Sunday, March 29, 2009

I just got a new baby!

Proudly to introduce my new born baby.


It's actually my precious baby D90. Alhamdullillah

And now I'm officially a photographer to be.
I am so attached to it. Know what? I declared emergency leave today just to play with it.LOL
I am loving it!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Feeling Magnetic Repulsive

I'll teach you some physic today :) I've been trying so hard to solve the mystery of magnetism - for being so repulsive instead at attraction. The forces of repulsion is so great and I still cannot change it. It is not that i am not trying. I have made several attempt before but still I cannot change it into attraction.

One pole is giving SOUTH and my pole should giving NORTH. But I always giving SOUTH instead. Again and again. It end up the two poles are always repel to each other although one pole is trying so hard.

I don't know when it will last. This repulsive strength of magnet still strong within pole that I hold . But I know this repulsive forces do run out of magnetism overtime if we wanted it to be. It just need the holder to loosen a little bit to allow changes to attraction. Insyallah.

Ayie did asked me to update my blog :p. Nah amek ko.hehe. I guess you never know what I am talking about kan? It might be the hardest entree to understand. But dats my style. I like..wink wink

Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's Complicated.

I was talking to my good friend. It's about her and about me. Please don't bother if you do not understand. Because it's complicated.

She said,"am i too hard for guys to handle?"

I said,"they afraid.maybe coz you are better than most men."

She said,"why can't they takes some time to know the other side of me."

I said,"they should. but they are more comfortable with the way you are now."

She said,"i can never change myself isn't."

I said," i am also having difficulties. i don't really know what i am searching for."

She said,"do you still want to let the feeling keep inside?"

I said,"i am scared and unsure.its complicated."

She said,"how will u know?no formula you can use to lead to the answer except you really do something about it."

I said,"i need some more times."

She said,"the world isn't waiting for anyone."

I said,"I need to stay calm to think wisely."

She said,"solat is the best way to find peace of mind."

I said,"I should do the istiqarah.never done before."

She said,"I should too."

End of conversation. Maybe i should do the last advise.
To her: sorry. i have to quote our conversation for this entry.
No hard feeling ek ;)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Women On Top

Please don't get dirty :) Its nothing to do with sexual position or whateva imagination in your mind.

I was watching a new talk show The Duke when they are discussing the age of women in power which I found very interesting.

Male hosts - Marc and Rovilson (M&R)
Female host - Eunice (E)
Guest - Elaine and Dr.Love (Guest)

Its really2 interesting to see how Marc and Rovilson confronted question from Eunice when they tackled the issue of women on top.

E asked: Does a woman in power make a good boss or lover?

M&R answered: Its totally depend. Women maybe powerful in career but may react differently in relationship. They may seem tough and very powerful outside but deep inside very insecure and weak. Women sometimes being too emotional and that will not make them a good boss.

E defended: Women may be emotional but at least they are decisive. Some men is very bad in making decision. (my comment: I dun know about women. But bad in making decision is so me)

E asked: Would you date a powerful women?

M&R answered: Some men want to date a confident women. The challenge of hunting for a date from this type of women really boost a man's ego. Kinda interesting.

E asked: What will be your pick up line?

M&R answered: Lame pick up line will do to make she laugh.

E asked: Can you accept if women start a pick up line at a date scene?

M&R answered: They can have that. But usually its only for a start, the second step they leave it to men to take charge. (my comment: Hmm..the idea of a women starting everything was too brave and does not impress me)

E asked: What is your comment of the age of women in power?

Male Guest answered: Women may seem confident and they may build a very high wall outside but inside really messy and chaotic. (My comment: Hmm..repeated answer. This statement might be true then.hehe)
In relationship they do not necessarily want to take charge and usually might take the back seat.

E asked: As a successful women, what type of guy you want in life and do you take a guy who are less successful than you?

Female Guest answered: Women want a confident and more successful than they are. They don't mind to date the less successful guy but not for a husband. (My comment:hmm..apekah ini..ada jugak ek gurl sajer2 nak date and main2)

E asked: Can you accept being a house husband?

M&R answered: It is possible now but the stigma from friend and community that still does not accept house husband. (My comment: I am not gonna do this)

The fact is the role being reverse. Women are moving forward and men have to accept that way but ada batas2 nya.

To my ladies frens and readers, please don't get me wrong. I am not trying to bring up any gender war here. Just want to share what I have heard and observed. After all, it's about how I share my thought to everybody. Cheers!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

'The Thing'

I would rather call the subject 'the thing' to show my anger towards it. Day after day, I am becoming to hate ‘the thing’ more and more. Why ‘it’ has to own everything that I have. Can’t ‘the thing’ choose its own world and let I have mine. Since I was young, I always be the unique one and I don’t like own something that others have. To see ‘the thing’ mirrors me was very irritating and today it worsen and ‘it’ want to interfere my life. Why ‘it’ has to use other’s power to fulfil its dream. And the dream that ‘the thing’ wanted is the dream that I pursued. Why me?

Can’t it wait until ‘it’ matured enough to hold the burden and not being so greedy?

Please let ‘the thing’ gets out of my life. Definitely 'it' was not in my league to compete.


After few month struggling with so many thing at work, I have decided to have a getaway (not far though) just to rejuvenate and refresh my mind yang definitely kusut and overused.It was not my plan from the beginning. My officemates suggested the idea about Chemerung waterfall and they did all the preparation. I wasn't confirmed at first until the last minute i decided to leave the workload behind and focusing on myself. The best part the location we chose is very remote which doesn't allow any cellular network coverage at all. I totally forgot about everything at home/office and enjoy each of every second there.

Serene and tranquil. The waterfall is actually taller than this but this is the spot we chose.

See.very clear and refreshing.

The bbq+picniq was perfect although that important marinated chiqs was forgoten by Wawa and CCC at first. Haha. We almost jadi cannibal eating raw meat when Mat Din si budak hyperactive almost dropped the charcoals into the water. And myself being so sengal forgoten to fill up the fuel before go until i realise that half way to the waterfall. When we reached Chemerung, the indication indicates 0 fuel and I was very panic if I cannot return home and have to leave my car there.

Delicious BBQ by chef CCC.

Luckily during the return, I managed to drive about 40km to the nearest fuel station but with all my friends escorted me from behind. Thanks guys. I wonder what going to happen if my car stop in the middle of the forest and I just got a new info saying that the area is 'keras'. But that doesn't stop me from visited Chemerung which Junsays secluded and not touristy (plus point) .Most important the place still clean and tak tercemar although still got some rubbish left behind- maybe from the people who does not concern about clean environment. They don't know the importance of preserving this place where we can get spa services-massages,jacuzzis and mind theraphy for free.Heheh

Private jacuzzi and see Wawa having her b**t massage (you said that :p)

All in all, the waterfall does rejuvates and restore my energy and strength to continue work. Although my body aching, it's only temporary and I am H.A.P.P.Y.

Us having a good time

More piccas at Jun's blog.