My brother wedding will be on 08.08.09. Now confirmed. Last friday both families have met and agreed that the kenduri for bride side will be before raya and groom side will be after raya. My family decided to have the kenduri after raya due to most of our families and relatives only will be back to Kelantan during long break esp cuti raya.
Actually, my parents just skipped some adat mcm bertunang which they think unnecessary. Tak wajib pun. They just had merisik and last Friday was a meeting to confirm the date so that both party can start the preparation. We are flying to Bandung this May for the preparation.
Here's some photo from the perjumpaan tu taken with my D90.(to ayie sbb ko tak tau:please click on the photo to enlarge it)
I have to polish my art of seeing things so dat I will qualify for the photographer for his wedding.My brother so kedekut and he dun want to spend for professsional photographer for the wedding. Baik mung pikir molek, nanti mung jugok hok rugi. Dun blame me.
Actually, my parents just skipped some adat mcm bertunang which they think unnecessary. Tak wajib pun. They just had merisik and last Friday was a meeting to confirm the date so that both party can start the preparation. We are flying to Bandung this May for the preparation.
Here's some photo from the perjumpaan tu taken with my D90.(to ayie sbb ko tak tau:please click on the photo to enlarge it)
I have to polish my art of seeing things so dat I will qualify for the photographer for his wedding.My brother so kedekut and he dun want to spend for professsional photographer for the wedding. Baik mung pikir molek, nanti mung jugok hok rugi. Dun blame me.

I would be happy to show my best shot of the day. 1st one will be photo of my beloved mum. 2nd will be photo of Velvet-a cat from my father's friend house where we stay before going for the perjumpaan. Open for comment. *wink
nice photo..keep it up!!
nice trial opiey.!.x pe..asah skill sket2..lama2 mesti much better...sempat lg nak tggu bln 8 tu..hihehihe....
anyhow,selamat bersoping2 utk kenduri kawen..i love shopping for wedding..! but fun!...
one thing je yg x bape best kenduri time raye....jalan jamm x hengat..nak g kb pn smpai 3@4 jam....*sigh*
TQ Iza and Nana..very much appreciated..i really need support from people who love photography..we are creative people kan..
Iza, dah beli dslr tu blom?
the subject cramped (inside the frame) sket (from my opinion la)
ada website which u can learn about composition etc, i'll email it to you
(kena carik balik...dh lupa)
still few months before august....sure can polish la
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