Today I sent my Ms.116 to service centre at Kuantan for 2nd service. My first service I had it in Seri Kembangan. One thing that amaze me is layanan at this Service Centre (maybe I feel differently because my first service didn't turn out good as I have to wait long before I was entertain.
I arrived there with a warm welcome by the manager(I guess.)..greet me and showing me to service reception. I was then entertain by a lady and she do usual process before Ms.116 will be handed over to mechanic for maintenance. Less than 5 min she did that and she told me Ms.116 will be completed within 1 hr plus. Then, I told her that I just wait there since I have no plan to go anywhere. She show where's the customer lounge and inform me that if I want to have a look a new City at the showroom. (maybe jugak sbb x ramai org dia sempat layan aku mcm ni).
Then I first enter the customer lounge, ada sofa, few bar stool, a lcd tv and a coffee maker. Then I feel bored, I heading to the showroom to see the younger brother to Ms.116.
I was then greet again by that manager and this time he express myself by the plate no...DBJ116..asking me datang service kali ke berapa?..I was he remember my plate and realize me since I entering the premises.
Sempat chit-chat with him kejap and then he ask me to wait and he came back with a mineral bottle. Very nice of him..(you know what, I didn't receive the same treatment when I came to see the new launch car before..bukan kat sini la..maybe because at that time I drove Ms.Red..2nd class isn't it?
I then proceed to the new City. My comment..not so impressive...I like the body but too much detail at the front make it look weird..the head lamp is nice..kalau letak lampu tu kat Ms.116 cantek gak. Interior wise..takde perubahan sgt. Cara I tgk kereta lain sikit, I tend to see interior dulu. Kalau x impress me, then that's it la.Hehe.Of course la because I keep comparing with Ms.116. The verdict: I didn't like it but I would recommend it to my brother instead.
I saw an advertisement there saying that Honda shrinking the interest rate for City, Accord and Jazz for a very minimum rate. For a city it goes to 2.40% which is very low compared to mine two month ago 3.70%.Even the have the option the have cash rebate up to RM3500 too. Mine only RM500. My god I was on my losing side..Then I asked the sales man what is the interest rate for Ms.116 model now. It was 2.85-2.90%. I've calculated I lost about RM7200 in total if compared to current interest rate. Boleh aku buat beli DSLR with wide lens dengan duit tuh. Monthly installment beza dalam RM66. Hmm nak buat macamana. Then I decided not to think about it sebab nak sedapkan hati.
Then I return to the lounge. Had a cup of latte and try to activate wifi thru my-iphone. Wifi ader tapi kena masuk password. Minus point to this. Kejap jer lepas tu the lady call me and Ms.116 completed for only one hour. Another plus point. Then, I left the centre and heading to nowhere.
Since it was still early, I decided to drop by at Padini Concept Store because they have members sale today. Sempat capai few shirt and t-shirt because it were so cheap. Around RM20 per pc for a PDI and SEED. Despite my brother complaining about I have so much clothes sampai wardrobe nak runtuh, I'll still do. Sorry ek.. because only once you kemas my room that is why you complaining kan. Balik rumah, it turns out that 2 of the shirt is exactly the same with my brother. Betul2 I x perasan dia penah ader baju tu. Anyway that shows we have same fashion taste and only fashion..others definitely berbeza.
Penat sungguh the whole day arini but I've done so many thing in one day termasuk bangun pagi beli breakfast for 25 pax to have birthday surprise party for our collegue MC.Nor. June made cute cuppies for that. She posted in her blog. Sedap and cute. Definitely I want to order nanti although June tak bukak kedai pun lagi :p.
wah wah... Honda ini membuat ku teruje... no no... sungguh tak jive dgn azam tahun baru ye... plus, tamau kia rio mrajuk huhu!
for you, anytime je buleh buat cuppies tu hehe (provided aku ade sini la kan)
Opiey! aku pun sokong pasal new City not so impressive..
Ms.116 tu keta apa? Aku tk familiar sikit ngan honda ni.. maklum la, kancil je yg aku mampu pakai.. :)
rio pun da ok..aku tukar from to ms.116 sbb x puas hati ngan tu mcm2 problem...biasa la keta mesia
ko ni x berubah ek..sentiasa blur dari dulu..LOL..116 tu plate keta aku..model aper go figure sendiri :)
La.. no plate rupanya.. igtkan code enjin.. cam L2, L5, RB20, RB32, CA18, B8 etc.. sbut je dh tau keta apa.. ni ms.116.. tk penah jumpa pun.. model apa tu aku rasa cam penah dgr dulu, lupa lak.. tapi keta besar gak.. turun KL, roger la aku.. mana tau aku turun sana sekali. leh la merasa naik keta ko..
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