Monday, February 9, 2009

It happen again and again

28 January 2008
- unsolved mystery. no conclusion. i took me 4 days to find the clue which i am not really sure exist.
04 February 2008 - concluded with causes yang masih samar2
09 February 2008 - concluded.

You might be clueless of what I am talking about. But this is what really happen to me for this consequtive week. Whenever i received an sms early in the morning,it's like a trauma to me,meaning that something bad has happened. Each time I will be automatically drag over to that lengthy hours of investigation that would end until late hours.
I was the one that have to search for evidence and prepare the write up each time it happen, although the true causes is beyond my responsibility. I dun really mind doing this things because somehow I learn a lot from it.
But what really makes me become frustrated is the attitude of people who sometimes dun want to take responsibility. This type of people is so eager to claim the glory but avoiding it when problem occured without having sense of responsibility/ownership to solve it. To hell with them.
This really2 makes me tired and stressful.


Anonymous said...

sabar bro... kalau kat opis aku, bila ada case macam ni, kita pasang lagu akon "you can put the blame on me" kuat2 bagi bos dengar...

Opiey Hadi said...

a'ah bro lyric 'sorry, blame on me' kena la sikit2..haha..anyway TQ..mmg dah abih sabar dah ni

Anonymous said...

ahakss, X-File nih, menarik2 nak tunggu post seterusnya,hahah

Opiey Hadi said...

lein..thanks for following..btw where's ur blog?..dun wanna share with me?