It's actually my precious baby D90. Alhamdullillah

And now I'm officially a photographer to be.
I am so attached to it. Know what? I declared emergency leave today just to play with it.LOL
I am loving it!
kan betul sy teka dalam fb...hehehe....menembak je la kije awk pas nie..:P....best2....
Sabo jer laaaa EL.... Dah2 pi kerja... Satgi jumpa sana... Huhuhu...
walauweh!!!...u got it eventually..so jeles mar...nak jugak..nak jugak!!
how is it? btw, dh khatam manual lom? hehehehe....finally ha
after longggggggggggggggggggg thought!
nak decide beli kamera pun mcm nak decide nak kawin jek :P
struggling with the baby..lazy to baca manual..so i just experimenting slowly
jom..pakat ramai2 jd geng nikon.
Lotfi memang pemalas pun...hahahaha!! Mandi pun malas, apalah...
Tangkap gambar sendiri jerrrr? Ciannya...
Nikon? Sorry, i peminat setia Canon..delighting you always!! So, tak boleh masuk geng you..
Apa2 pun, ganbatte!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ita Amran
Wah OP! ko pun dh beli Nikon.. aku baru nak simpan duit beli Nikon gak.. Terpaksa beli Nikon sbb ramai member2 aku kt sini pakai Nikon.. anything leh share (Tips, etc)
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