Saturday, February 7, 2009

I've been tagged

Two times Rashid tagged me. Mula2 thru facebook. Terpaksa la buat juga although not in the mood in writing lately due to my hectic life.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs (or the + sign) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.

But this will be the hard one la. Asked me 25 random things about me. Bagi soalan kan senang sikit. But anyway this is my answers.

1. I like red and black. combination of passion,strength, energy,power and Mystery for black.
2. Full of mystery ;)
3. Selalu MIA - for somewhat reason la. but i never MIA from kerja.
4. Macam rashid aku pun sometimes mandi satu hari sekali..
5. Mesti pakai perfume bila keluar rumah. Aku pernah kena complain ngan operator masuk plant sembur perfume sebotol ker?
6. I like singing. Kat mana? Karaoke(pusat karaoke, rumah or dalam bilik air)
7. I like indonesian songs.
8. I like cats so much. Aku tido ngan kucing kat rumah di kampung.
9. I'm not really organise type of person. Messy sgt2. Need help for this
10. Suka buat things at the last minute. Terbawak2 time belajar dulu.
11. I dun drink carbonated drink. My fav drink ice lemon tea. Or herbalife teamix.
12. I love good foods. My fav chinese and japanese.
13. I sometimes cheated my herbalife routine for good foods..
14. Suka amik self photo to see if I gain weight. It's easily shown of my face.
15. I love travel so much. My fav place Paris. Always wanted to return there.
16. I shop when I want to. I dun plan to buy things except if the thing is really2 expensive.
17. I love branded stuff yang ikut kemampuan.
18. Short tempered but forgiven.
19. Tak suka diperintah walaupun aku kerja makan gaji.
20. I took into account people suggestion but normally I took my own decision. Not easily influence by others.
21.I dun talk a lot at first met. Aku jenis senyap sikit but mula byk cakap bila dah comfortable.
22. I dun like to talk thru phone panjang2. My conversation will be very short and simple except pasal kerja. Even with my mum. Please forgive me for this.
23.I want a better job, a better salary for the truth.
25. Malas..nak pikir pun malas
25. I am single. Still got bunch of close friend that not yet married. I will start gelabah when this boys started to settle down. That's what you guys feel jugak kan when I do. LOL

Dah...till then

Nak kena tag next victim jugak..5-6 cukup la ek.

1. Rashid (aku bley tag ko balik)
2. Fiza StuckInTheMiddle
3. June
4. Mat Din the Penglipur Lara
5. Joe (bila mung nok update blog)
6. Mijie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eh! dua kali ke? aku rasa sekali je..
Bila nk gi karaoke ni?