I am now back to business after few days went to Bandung as a tourist guide, account controller and language translator to my family. The trip is totally for shopping and again I don't have time to visit Tangkuban Perahu and Limbang although I wanted to. 4D3N is not enough esp. for my mum who love shopping a lot. (lagi2 kalau mahu shopping barang kahwin).
Since I have been there before and as a FOC tourist guide to them, they have to follow my itenerary and I decided where I want to go. But mostly we spent at Pasar Baru and only visited few Factory Outlet that I chose i.e Rumah Mode, Rich & Famous, Grande, Donatello, Terminal Tas and Rabbani (the one and only FO for muslim where my mum bought most of kerudung there - design better than Pasar Baru although price sedikit mahal).
I might be wrong, but if want to compare my last 2 year visit to Bandung to current visit, I feel that this time most of the stuffs sell at the FOs are all imitation. I hardly found any jeans and shirts that really catch my eyes and tempted me to buy. I know that those factory outlet sell both rejected branded items from factory and also imitation but seriously I found only the fake one. I end up didn't buy any jeans and only buy few t-shirt bodoh to wear there because I didn't bring much clothes. Instead I bought 2 pair of shoes at Donatello. Donatello never fail to impress me with the most comfortable shoes I ever worn- the motto 'Love your Feet' tu sesuai sgt la. I wanted to buy more but thinking of the extra luggage I have to pay nanti so cukup la sekadar dua.
Since I have been there before and as a FOC tourist guide to them, they have to follow my itenerary and I decided where I want to go. But mostly we spent at Pasar Baru and only visited few Factory Outlet that I chose i.e Rumah Mode, Rich & Famous, Grande, Donatello, Terminal Tas and Rabbani (the one and only FO for muslim where my mum bought most of kerudung there - design better than Pasar Baru although price sedikit mahal).
I might be wrong, but if want to compare my last 2 year visit to Bandung to current visit, I feel that this time most of the stuffs sell at the FOs are all imitation. I hardly found any jeans and shirts that really catch my eyes and tempted me to buy. I know that those factory outlet sell both rejected branded items from factory and also imitation but seriously I found only the fake one. I end up didn't buy any jeans and only buy few t-shirt bodoh to wear there because I didn't bring much clothes. Instead I bought 2 pair of shoes at Donatello. Donatello never fail to impress me with the most comfortable shoes I ever worn- the motto 'Love your Feet' tu sesuai sgt la. I wanted to buy more but thinking of the extra luggage I have to pay nanti so cukup la sekadar dua.
I also have to be the translator to the whole family. My mum and brothers dok kecek kelate mana lah org2 Bandung tu paham. Ade ker patut adik aku main bantai jer Bandara = Bandar padahal Bandara tu maksudnya airport. Cihampelas pulak disebutnya ChiangMai. But we have a good supir Yaya who teach them few Indonesian vocab and sent us where ever we want to go. I remember last time when I visited there with a group of frens, we only took Angkutan to move around but this time we rented APV(with supir)because kesian la kat my mum kalau kena jalan and angkut byk2 barang. But on the 1st day I let them to have a feel naik Angkutan jugak.
As a account controller to my mum, I am responsible do all the conversion and tolong jaga and kira duit berjuta2 yang mak aku bawak tu. Sampai ke last day baru mak aku paham macamana nk kira notes yang berjuta2 tu. She only cares about shopping until the 3rd day aku dah start control segala perbelanjaan because we running out of rupiah. Kalau ikutkan my mum mau nya angkut berpuluh2 telekung and kerudung Ekin tu agaknya. Nak bagi saudara dan buat jual katanya. I am only worried about extra luggage jer nanti.
For my brother's wedding, we bought laces for hantaran, baju nikah for my SIL to be and laces for ladies in both families. My mum tak nak kalah, lace yang dibeli utknya sebijik yang dibeli sebagai hantaran utk bride to be cuma lain color. We also bought kain utk baju melayu utk everybody to match the theme. My family choose hijau lumut untuk majlis belah pompuan and purple utk majlis kat our house.
As a account controller to my mum, I am responsible do all the conversion and tolong jaga and kira duit berjuta2 yang mak aku bawak tu. Sampai ke last day baru mak aku paham macamana nk kira notes yang berjuta2 tu. She only cares about shopping until the 3rd day aku dah start control segala perbelanjaan because we running out of rupiah. Kalau ikutkan my mum mau nya angkut berpuluh2 telekung and kerudung Ekin tu agaknya. Nak bagi saudara dan buat jual katanya. I am only worried about extra luggage jer nanti.
For my brother's wedding, we bought laces for hantaran, baju nikah for my SIL to be and laces for ladies in both families. My mum tak nak kalah, lace yang dibeli utknya sebijik yang dibeli sebagai hantaran utk bride to be cuma lain color. We also bought kain utk baju melayu utk everybody to match the theme. My family choose hijau lumut untuk majlis belah pompuan and purple utk majlis kat our house.
The laces are very cheap at Pasar baru.
2 m french lace + 4 m lining cost Rp 800, 000 = RM233
For hantaran also, my mum bought telekung sembahyang sulam penuh for Rp 250, 000 = RM73. Lain2 telekung yang biasa at most Rp 150, 000 jer. Tu yang mak aku nak beli buat jual tu sbb murah sgt.
For doorgift/ souvenir utk tetamu, we manage to get an exclusive coin purse for Rp 4,000/pc = Rm 1.16. Murah sgt! We bought about 500pcs. I browsed through the internet and found one website in Malaysia selling similar item at RM 4.80/pc refer link . We are very fortunate dpt jumpa one independent supplier for the doorgift Kiem Souvenir, Taman Holis Indah, Bandung 62-22-6071277 or email here.

The item priced at Rp 4,300 at first and I manage to bargain up to Rp 4,000. At Pasar Baru, the similar coin purse selling at Rp 5,500.
Today i received an appreciation mail from Kiem for the purchase. Very nice lady. You are welcome to contact her if you need wedding favors, just mention my name.
My SIL to be bought kipas cendana as doorgift for majlis at her house at Rp 2, 500 = Rm 0.73 at Pasar Baru. She told that the same kipas sold at RM1.70 at Nilai 3. Maybe can get it cheaper from Kiem.
For the wedding card = kartu undangan, i remember reading one blog that tempahan kartu undangan at Bandung is more expensive than Pasar Tebet @ Jakarta. Now I can prove that she is wrong. If she referring to the one and only Etnik Card @ Pasar baru then she is correct but she didn't explore the whole Bandung where many Kartu Undangan shops located at Jln Astana Anyar. Rata2 the price is similar to Jakarta and selling at cheapest @ Rp 4, 000 = RM 1.16 for hard cover.
We went to 2 shops X'tra Jaya Undangan & Blanko, Jln Astana Anyar 166 (022)- 6013336 or email here and Undangan Miky. We manage to get kartu undangan with envelope printing at Rp 1,800/pc = RM 0.52 at X'tra Jaya. We ordered about 2000pcs for both families. Tapi tu blom masuk cost courier. Pos Indonesia charge about 1 paket/1 kilo Rp 350,000 = RM102 for the delivery.
Total cost:
Kartu Undangan 2000pcs cost Rp 3, 600, 000 = RM1051
Delivery cost estimate 20 kilo Rp 700, 000 = RM204 (depend on card kalau hard cover mahal sikit kot)
Still cheap for RM1255 for a very exclusive and unik design kartu undangan yang takde di Malaysia.
At Undangan Miky, my brother mengada2 nk jugak exclusive hard cover kartu undangan untuk majlis nikah. So dia beli la DIY hard cover card (without printing) for 50pcs exlusively for close families and best friends for nikah ceremony. Printing will be done in Malaysia (nk buat dalam tulisan Jawi katanya). Cost of printing in Bandung is basically doubles the cost of material. That chosen hard cover card selling at Rp 8, 500 = RM 2.50 siap printing and Rp 4,000 = RM 1.16 without printing (harga utk 50 pcs). So a good tips for those yang berminat nk hard cover card murah. Beli yang kosong DIY and print kat Malaysia.
Here I want to share various type of unique hard cover kartu undangan if anyone interested. Harga disertakan.(click to enlarge).The one i like most is the one black and white photograph on the front cover. Berry nice.

Before when depart from Bandung, kitaorg sangat2 khuatir kalau2 kena pay for extra luggage looking at quantity of the stuffs that we bought. Luckily our luggage weighted at 92kg just 3 kg left to reach allowable 95kg that we purchased up front. Tu pun ader lagi 2-3 bags below 7 kg each yg pikul naik atas. Nyaris2 aku tertipu by AirAsia sbb package Go Holiday yang aku amik tak include luggage. Only my ticket yang ader 15kg sbb aku purchase separate flite . Nasib baik masa check in dia ckp tak include so we purchased la 20kg each. (giler la AirAsia buat bisnes).
Min luggage 15 kg = RM5
20 kg = RM55
25 kg= RM105
Sengal giler charge dia. Tu kalau purchased up-front at discounted rate. Tak tahu la brapa charge per kg kalau extra luggage dia charge. Sure lagi mahal. Tapi setakat tu kitaorg selamat sbb packing ngam2 as per allowable weight. Tapi we all tak berapa selamat bila reach LCCT sbb kena tax RM50 sbb custom nampak beli banyak barang. Custom tu nak charge RM100 pastu my mum buat muka kesian and bukak cerita sedih anak nak kawin takde duit so custom tu turun RM50. At first custom pompuan tu nk lepas jer tapi bos dia datang suruh charge jugak. Sial jer ko, kalau nk check sgt check la semua org! Nak tak nak bayar jer RM50 tu.
Nasib baik tak ruin all cheap shopping yang kitaorg buat tu.
2 m french lace + 4 m lining cost Rp 800, 000 = RM233
For hantaran also, my mum bought telekung sembahyang sulam penuh for Rp 250, 000 = RM73. Lain2 telekung yang biasa at most Rp 150, 000 jer. Tu yang mak aku nak beli buat jual tu sbb murah sgt.
For doorgift/ souvenir utk tetamu, we manage to get an exclusive coin purse for Rp 4,000/pc = Rm 1.16. Murah sgt! We bought about 500pcs. I browsed through the internet and found one website in Malaysia selling similar item at RM 4.80/pc refer link . We are very fortunate dpt jumpa one independent supplier for the doorgift Kiem Souvenir, Taman Holis Indah, Bandung 62-22-6071277 or email here.
The item priced at Rp 4,300 at first and I manage to bargain up to Rp 4,000. At Pasar Baru, the similar coin purse selling at Rp 5,500.
Today i received an appreciation mail from Kiem for the purchase. Very nice lady. You are welcome to contact her if you need wedding favors, just mention my name.
kiem hoa [kiemhoa2003@yahoo.com] | |||
M Lotfi B A Hadi (PMO/PCSB) | |||
| |||
ucapan terima kasih |
Mr Lotfi yang terhormat, Saya mau mengucapkan terima kasih secara pribadi atas pembelian souvenir yang lumayan banyak pada Jum'at yang lalu. Terima kasih pula atas kepercayaan anda pada kami dan saya akan dengan senang hati jika anda dan keluarga, juga kawan-kawan anda selanjutnya |
My SIL to be bought kipas cendana as doorgift for majlis at her house at Rp 2, 500 = Rm 0.73 at Pasar Baru. She told that the same kipas sold at RM1.70 at Nilai 3. Maybe can get it cheaper from Kiem.
For the wedding card = kartu undangan, i remember reading one blog that tempahan kartu undangan at Bandung is more expensive than Pasar Tebet @ Jakarta. Now I can prove that she is wrong. If she referring to the one and only Etnik Card @ Pasar baru then she is correct but she didn't explore the whole Bandung where many Kartu Undangan shops located at Jln Astana Anyar. Rata2 the price is similar to Jakarta and selling at cheapest @ Rp 4, 000 = RM 1.16 for hard cover.
We went to 2 shops X'tra Jaya Undangan & Blanko, Jln Astana Anyar 166 (022)- 6013336 or email here and Undangan Miky. We manage to get kartu undangan with envelope printing at Rp 1,800/pc = RM 0.52 at X'tra Jaya. We ordered about 2000pcs for both families. Tapi tu blom masuk cost courier. Pos Indonesia charge about 1 paket/1 kilo Rp 350,000 = RM102 for the delivery.
Total cost:
Kartu Undangan 2000pcs cost Rp 3, 600, 000 = RM1051
Delivery cost estimate 20 kilo Rp 700, 000 = RM204 (depend on card kalau hard cover mahal sikit kot)
Still cheap for RM1255 for a very exclusive and unik design kartu undangan yang takde di Malaysia.
At Undangan Miky, my brother mengada2 nk jugak exclusive hard cover kartu undangan untuk majlis nikah. So dia beli la DIY hard cover card (without printing) for 50pcs exlusively for close families and best friends for nikah ceremony. Printing will be done in Malaysia (nk buat dalam tulisan Jawi katanya). Cost of printing in Bandung is basically doubles the cost of material. That chosen hard cover card selling at Rp 8, 500 = RM 2.50 siap printing and Rp 4,000 = RM 1.16 without printing (harga utk 50 pcs). So a good tips for those yang berminat nk hard cover card murah. Beli yang kosong DIY and print kat Malaysia.
Here I want to share various type of unique hard cover kartu undangan if anyone interested. Harga disertakan.(click to enlarge).The one i like most is the one black and white photograph on the front cover. Berry nice.

Before when depart from Bandung, kitaorg sangat2 khuatir kalau2 kena pay for extra luggage looking at quantity of the stuffs that we bought. Luckily our luggage weighted at 92kg just 3 kg left to reach allowable 95kg that we purchased up front. Tu pun ader lagi 2-3 bags below 7 kg each yg pikul naik atas. Nyaris2 aku tertipu by AirAsia sbb package Go Holiday yang aku amik tak include luggage. Only my ticket yang ader 15kg sbb aku purchase separate flite . Nasib baik masa check in dia ckp tak include so we purchased la 20kg each. (giler la AirAsia buat bisnes).
Min luggage 15 kg = RM5
20 kg = RM55
25 kg= RM105
Sengal giler charge dia. Tu kalau purchased up-front at discounted rate. Tak tahu la brapa charge per kg kalau extra luggage dia charge. Sure lagi mahal. Tapi setakat tu kitaorg selamat sbb packing ngam2 as per allowable weight. Tapi we all tak berapa selamat bila reach LCCT sbb kena tax RM50 sbb custom nampak beli banyak barang. Custom tu nak charge RM100 pastu my mum buat muka kesian and bukak cerita sedih anak nak kawin takde duit so custom tu turun RM50. At first custom pompuan tu nk lepas jer tapi bos dia datang suruh charge jugak. Sial jer ko, kalau nk check sgt check la semua org! Nak tak nak bayar jer RM50 tu.
Nasib baik tak ruin all cheap shopping yang kitaorg buat tu.